April 2019 Favourites
Hello there! I know things have been a little silent lately, but I really try my best to keep up with the workload of my busy life. I really want to thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I want to improve my content, so I am working on finding a schedule that works for me, makes blogging fun and of course, you’ll find enjoyable! Anyway, for the time being, let’s dive into my April 2019 Favourites! Skincare Lala Retro Whipped Cream – Drunk Elephant. I bought it as part of the Drunk Elephant ‘Party’ set during Christmas and I was really drawn to this cream, due…
My skincare philosophy
When it comes to beauty products category, makeup is the first thing that comes to our minds. Indeed, makeup is something we see, in the sense that it adds paint on our faces, be it lipstick, blush or eyeliner. We have all been charmed by shimmery and glittery eyeshadows and fancy lip colours. However, there is a much more important category of products that belong to the beauty family, and that is the skincare products. I have broken down the components of my skincare, presenting you my skincare philosophy, and where I spend more or less money. Good skincare makes our faces glow from within. It helps bring out the…
My Night-Time Skincare Routine
I used to be the person that did not pay attention to their skincare regimen. I am glad my mum advised me to wear a daily moisturiser since my early twenties. If it wasn’t for her I don’t know when I would have started wearing it. It was some years later, that I decided I had to take care of my skin, if I didn’t want it to age too soon. Skincare is the cornerstone of beauty in the sense that if you treat your skin nice, you won’t need many or even any makeup products. So, here is my night-time skincare routine, which I hope will give you some…