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Feeling behind with New Year’s Resolutions? Do Lifebook!

Hello and welcome to my blog! Today I am going to write about a very important part of our lives: setting goals and intentions for our lives. We all have things we want to change, we all set some goals, and more often than not, we get frustrated or disappointed when we don’t reach them. As February has come, and a 1/12 of the new year has passed, perhaps it’s time to reflect on those goals. I will explain why New Year’s resolutions are not for me and things I am doing in order to improve my life. I am going to introduce you to Lifebook, if you haven’t heard of it already, a systematic process to reflect on your life. You are welcome!

Pen and paper

New Year’s resolutions are not for me

First of all, let me explain why New Year’s resolutions do not work for me. Well, I think it is quite naive to just write down everything you want (or think you want) to achieve and then expect it to magically happen. What if the things you write down are contradictory, for example, you cannot go to the gym 5 days a week AND work two jobs AND have time to play with your kids every day.

Sometimes, you have to choose, and you have to be honest with what is truly important to you now, to set your priorities and come up with a plan of action. Then, you have to be brave enough to make the decisions and do the necessary actions, as it is a bit hard to say goodbye to somethings you held onto for a long time. Because sometimes, we cannot have it all, and if the things we thought we wanted to do, do not serve us in reality and prevent us from doing other things we really, really want to do, then it is worth saying goodbye to some activities or parts of our life.

So, I do not think it is that easy to just write down 10 bullets, without having been through the thought process of what are you willing to sacrifice for those 10 things and why, and also map out a strategy on how to achieve them.

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I watched a Mindvalley masterclass with Jon and Missy Butcher and the concept of Lifebook. They are very successful business owners and they have achieved a balanced life. They take care of their health, their relationship, their family, their careers, and they are pretty much a great role model for me because I truly want to be a healthy, happy, balanced and wise person. They offer this course with Mindvalley, the “Lifebook online”.

But what is the lifebook?

It is a framework that gives you a structured way to think about your life. Actually not simply think, but deeply and thoroughly reflect, shed light on all the things you avoid thinking on a daily basis because you are ‘busy’. It’s a process where you are going through a lot of complexity, you figure out what you really, really want out of your life and you face your truth.

How does it work?

Jon and Missy have split life in 12 different categories (such as health&fitness, love relationship, financial life, career life, etc). Of course, these categories are strongly correlated, but breaking down your life into segments temporarily, in order to think through what you want, just makes it easier, less overwhelming. Of course, after you have completed it, you can have a single vision of your life. In each category, you write down 4 parts: Premise, Vision, Purpose and Strategy. This is also a genius idea. Because even if we think about a specific category of our lives, we tend to mix all those things up, and then forget about them. No, this is important stuff, so get organised and be systematic about it. Jon and Missy say their success in life is due to the fact that they got crystal clear on what they wanted in every category of their life, their beliefs about it, why they wanted it, and ways to figure out how to achieve it.

My Lifebook Sneack Peak

My opinion?

Do it! Devote time into doing this process. I highly recommend their course on Mindvalley, as you get weekly videos with ideas and inspirations and there is a whole community online which discusses those topics and it is a valuable source of information. I should point out that I am not sponsored by any means, Mindvalley doesn’t even know that this blog exists!

I hope that this post will be helpful and will inspire you to turn your life into an amazing journey!

Be extraordinary,


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